Lake Steward Program


Message from Maribeth & Peggy

The Lake Steward Program is a voluntary program created by Minnesota Lakes and Rivers, designed for lake association use, to encourage shoreline restoration projects among its members, and to educate about sustainable land management as it relates to water quality. Many lakeshore owners are unaware of the devastating effects an unnatural shoreline can have on lake health and water quality.

We have decided to start a Lake Steward Program on Lower South Long Lake.  We ask that you watch the 11 minute video from WCCO TV that aired October 23, 2023 describing the program. After watching the video, if you're interested in participating and becoming a Steward of the Lake, we ask you to complete the 3-5 minute quiz (be sure to select Lower South Long Lake Improvement Association).  After submission, we will contact you to see if you would like us to come out and review your property shoreline to give ideas on how to improve your score to become a Steward of the Lake, and how to return your shoreline to a more natural state.  This is a total voluntary program in its infancy. Keep reading below for more info. Please contact us with any questions.

Peggy Aschenbeck

Maribeth Grimsby


Steps to become a Lake Steward

  1. Watch the video (Click Here)
  2. If interested in participating, take the Quiz (Click Here, and be sure to select Lower South Long Lake Improvement Association)
  3. Coordinate with Maribeth and/or Peggy when they contact you to review your score and look at ways to improve your score
  4. Once your score meets the threshold, you will receive a Lake Steward sign to display to all that you are a Lake Steward

That's it!  Our goal is to get as many Lake Stewards as we can among property owners around the lake.

Want to read the 10 tips to Lake Stewardship, Click Here.